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Add option to launch CMTrace for viewing logs

When browsing logs for Configuration Manager, it is often helpful to open them in CMTrace tool. It would be useful to allow Right Click Tools launch the CMTrace tool as an option.
Guest 19 days ago in Efficiency 1

Use console user to get LAPS password instead of Proxy User

Allow users to override the ability to use the user account of the user logged into the SCCM console when retrieving LAPS passwords instead of the proxy user account when the proxy is set to a higher priority in the routes. I like the fact that I ...
Guest 8 days ago in Special Configuration needs 0

DNS Flush of Workstations Using Right Click Tools

Since users are constantly on VPN and there are issues with duplicate IP addresses/DNS names come back to a different computer names. This is our most security flaw that we are encountering, where computers are not getting updates from WSUS/SCCM/R...
Guest about 2 months ago in Security 3
160 VOTE

Ability to clear Recast Agents that have not communicated with RMS after a period of time.

We have a situation where the agent drop-down in RMS shows double the amount of recast agents than the devices we have Config Mgr. This is likely due to computer refresh. The agents are still listed even after a certain of idle time, not reporting...
jeff necker over 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

SAML SSO/Provisioning

This would be useful for keeping accounts in sync with Entra AD or other SAML SSO providers. There would be increased security from logging in using SSO credentials which can be Multi factor authenticated. It will also help in large organizations ...
Guest 5 days ago in Large environment needs 0

Add Descriptions for the software

Hi, I have had a few ask what some of the software we have deployed do. I think itd be a great idea to add descriptions for the software. Please have them auto pull in with the application
Jason Armitage 6 days ago in User Experience 0

Option to Return to Home Page After Inactivity in Kiosk Manager

Currently, the only built-in way to ensure a kiosk returns to its designated home page after a period of inactivity is by setting the device to reboot when idle. While this achieves the desired effect, it is an unnecessarily complex and disruptive...
Guest 9 days ago in Efficiency 0

Option to Block Execution of Applications in Kiosk Manager

Currently, restricting access to applications such as PowerShell, Command Prompt, Registry Editor, and Task Manager requires separate policies or scripts. It would be highly beneficial to have a built-in option within Kiosk Manager that allows adm...
Guest 9 days ago in Security 0

Option to Create the Specified Auto-Logon User in Kiosk Manager

Currently, the specified auto-logon user must be created separately using other management tools. It would be highly beneficial to have a simple checkbox within Kiosk Manager that allows administrators to specify the auto-logon user and automatica...
Guest 9 days ago in Efficiency 0

Fix Keyboard Remapping for the Touch Keyboard

Currently, the keyboard remapping functionality in Kiosk Manager works for externally connected keyboards, but it does not apply to the touch keyboard. This creates an inconsistency where certain keys, such as Esc, can still be used on the on-scre...
Guest 9 days ago in Other 0