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Make the tray / taskbar icon of Liquit customizable

Can be usefull to add the company logo to it. Endusers will like that. Please make it possible to upload own ico or picture to customize it.
Guest 6 days ago in User Experience 0

Primary Device Requirement

Require that the primary device equals true. We want the applications to install only on the primary device of the user.
Guest 2 days ago in Other 0

Entra Dashboard

For those of us who use Intune/Entra LAPS and BitLocker, it would be nice to have the dashboards include those or have some type of Entra dashboard.
Guest 6 days ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0

Prioritise packages with action on Application Workspace logon

When there are several packages with events in the entitlements, specifically, on Application Workspace Logon, it would be very useful if these can be prioritised. In can happen that creating the mappings for users takes several minutes if an upda...
Timo Doel 5 days ago in Automation 0

Add option to launch CMTrace for viewing logs

When browsing logs for Configuration Manager, it is often helpful to open them in CMTrace tool. It would be useful to allow Right Click Tools launch the CMTrace tool as an option.
Guest about 1 month ago in Efficiency 1

Click through to other package.

When working with packages which have dependant packages inside it would be time saving to be able to click through to that package instead of having to go back to packages, find it and open it. When creating and troubleshooting packages, this tak...
Timo Doel 7 days ago in Automation 0
160 VOTE

Ability to clear Recast Agents that have not communicated with RMS after a period of time.

We have a situation where the agent drop-down in RMS shows double the amount of recast agents than the devices we have Config Mgr. This is likely due to computer refresh. The agents are still listed even after a certain of idle time, not reporting...
jeff necker over 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Add longer delay on deployment processes

Currently, in the deployment processes when we add a delay between two deployment steps, it's possible to add a delay of up to 7 days. And our security team is asking if it would be possible to add a delay of up to 30 days to anticipate the appear...
Guest 5 days ago in Special Configuration needs 0

Allow certificates (in addition to client secrets) for Entra ID service connections

App Registrations in Entra permit client secrets or certificates to be used for authentication. Client secrets are simple and convenient, but they allow anyone with the secret to use it to authenticate to the application. Rotating the client secre...
David Allen 5 days ago in Security 0

DNS Flush of Workstations Using Right Click Tools

Since users are constantly on VPN and there are issues with duplicate IP addresses/DNS names come back to a different computer names. This is our most security flaw that we are encountering, where computers are not getting updates from WSUS/SCCM/R...
Guest 2 months ago in Security 3