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Add Last Used date and time stamp to default Profiles view in Systems Information

In an environment where we have many shared devices, we need to at a glance be able to determine which profiles can be deleted instead of having to drill into each profile, and find each profile's time stamp. If the date and time stamp could be pl...
David Taylor about 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Ability to Right Click Several Apps and update the content at the same time.

If I have several apps that use the same content, I have to go to each and update their content at the same time.
Gary Blok over 4 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

SSD and HDD System Info View

We are in the process of upgrading all Hard Drives on campus and it is very difficult to know what machines have a solid state and which ones dont. Just like the new battery view in system info, having a hard drive info page to view what machines ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Allow email address for "Add user to collection"

For “Add Users to Collection” is it possible to have the tool use the email address rather than the username, or the ability to choose which attribute to use.
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Application mananger for intune, exclude from available

[Translated text] my own experience seems to be that if you exclude a group via csm, it goes to the required section, can you specify that it goes available. The purpose is that in the required section there is only the csm auto group device group...
Guest over 1 year ago in Automation 1

ReLAPS: Password state expired

Add slice in "LAPS Password in AD" pie chart to illustrate passwords that are in an expired state.
Guest about 5 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Allow to change currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports

I would like to be able to change dollar ($) currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports to currency I'm using (like euro)
Juha Haapsaari over 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 2

Auto Update

It would stop the need to manually update RCT and RMS or any of the new releases. New release would auto update or have an option to delay or set an auto update.
Guest over 1 year ago in Efficiency 1

Change Default View of Remote Software Center in Right-Click Tools

What you currently display is a view of every deployment that was ever sent to an endponit. I think it would be more helpful to have the default view be what is actively targeted to an endpoint (both "available" and "required advertisements), so i...
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 0

Add option on the Computers Without an application report to show with application.

I would sometimes like to see what computers have a particular application. If the Without application report could be modified to run it either with or without or make a new report to do this. It would be helpful to me.
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 3 Already exists