What you currently display is a view of every deployment that was ever sent to an endponit. I think it would be more helpful to have the default view be what is actively targeted to an endpoint (both "available" and "required advertisements), so in other words, what the user sees when they launch Software Center locally.
It looks like the query that's currently displayed is this:
Get-ChildItem -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\Execution History" -Recurse | % { get-itemproperty -path $_.PsPath }
A query for pending and active deployments (the view you'd see if you opened up Software Center on an endpoint is what I'd like to see, with an option/checkbox to display "all" as it is right now):
get-wmiobject -query "SELECT * FROM CCM_SoftwareBase" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK"
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