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NFR License

It would be great to get NFR Licenses to build a lab environment to test and learn the products and/or to build a Demo environment to show the products to customers.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1

Right-click on a client to display required patches

I found find it useful to determine what patches are needed for a particular client. From a display where there is a client, I'd like to be able to do something similar to: Right-click "show required Microsoft patches". This would list the patches...
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 0

Add Configuration Items/Baselines to be run from RCT

One of the only things that can't be run without opening the Client on the target PC.....would be great to be able to force compliance checks as a tech from the RCT/MECM server. Currently the end user has to go control panel - Configuration Manage...
J D over 1 year ago in Special Configuration needs 2 Already exists

Allow email address for "Add user to collection"

For “Add Users to Collection” is it possible to have the tool use the email address rather than the username, or the ability to choose which attribute to use.
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Application mananger for intune, exclude from available

[Translated text] my own experience seems to be that if you exclude a group via csm, it goes to the required section, can you specify that it goes available. The purpose is that in the required section there is only the csm auto group device group...
Guest over 1 year ago in Automation 1
157 VOTE

Ability to clear Recast Agents that have not communicated with RMS after a period of time.

We have a situation where the agent drop-down in RMS shows double the amount of recast agents than the devices we have Config Mgr. This is likely due to computer refresh. The agents are still listed even after a certain of idle time, not reporting...
jeff necker over 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Auto-elevate certain applications

Would be nice to have the ability to set some executables to auto-elevate as domain user/logged in user, for some development tools or other software which may still require administrator privileges
Heikki Harsunen over 1 year ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Support for passwordless login in Privilege Manager

As more people are using passwordless and/or long passwords, when using the run as domain users, writing the password is a bit legacy. Could we use Windows Hello for Business credentials to confirm the elevation without using a password?
Heikki Harsunen over 1 year ago in Security  / User Experience 0

Allow to change currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports

I would like to be able to change dollar ($) currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports to currency I'm using (like euro)
Juha Haapsaari over 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 2

Auto Update

It would stop the need to manually update RCT and RMS or any of the new releases. New release would auto update or have an option to delay or set an auto update.
Guest over 1 year ago in Efficiency 1