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Support MECM Implicit Uninstallation feature

Allow to configure implicit uninstallation settings (MS docs) for any deployment targeting to MECM collection
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Automation / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Application deployment requirements

As a system administrator, I want to be able to limit the systems on which to deploy applications, such as 32-bit or 64-bit systems, or different operating systems, such as Windows 10, 11, servers, or workstations. Also ability to require older ve...
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Automation / User Experience 3 Future consideration

Allow application installation media download from Application Catalog

As a sys admin, I want to be able to download application installation media (all versions of app) manually based on my need.
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Efficiency / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Add Copy Deployment to Collection

Copying a Deployment to another Collection isn't hard with PowerShell, but adding this to the GUI would simplify the process and make it much friendlier to accomplish. This would be especially useful if you are expanding SCCM to a new region, or y...
Doug Snell about 2 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Add RCT to show collections a user is a member of

Would be nice if "Show Collection - Advanced" worked for users instead of just devices. We do a lot of user based collections so it would be handy.
Scott Erickson about 2 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Remote Software Center in RMS

For us it would be a big benefit if we would be able to open the Remote Software Center in the webinterface of Recast Management System. This way we could give the support team access to the Remote Software Center, without the need of installing t...
Felix B over 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Add "no boundary" result in Client Information -> boundaries

Currently, when a client does not have a boundary, no result shows which is fine when running this action against one machine at a time. However, when running Client Information against a group of systems or collection, the systems with no boundar...
Guest over 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Application deployment report for Application Manager (for Intune)

This would be useful for the Application Manager (for Intune) customers. From the report you could see that which versions of supported applications (AM catalog) are installed and on how many devices has the newest version installed etc. This coul...
Hannu Laitinen over 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Application deployment report for Application Manager (for SCCM)

This would be useful for the Application Manager (for SCCM) customers. From the report you could see that which versions of supported applications (AM catalog) are installed and on how many devices has the newest version installed etc. This could ...
Hannu Laitinen over 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

install user-deployed applications from the remote software center

Currently when viewing user deployed applications in remote software center, the install button is greyed out.
Guest over 2 years ago in Efficiency 1 Future consideration