When adding or removing computers from collections where we are inputting over a thousand computers, the RCT action results window locks up when displaying the results. It would be handy to have a checkbox to disable the output results and maybe i...
Reports get us to the data we need, would be great to build collection off that query automatically to take action. For example i filtered down to Adobe version 9.0 and want to upgrade these systems to 11. Collection with members from report auto ...
Allow customers to replace all installation parameters in Application Manager, except file name, silent parameters and /i for msi packages. Custom installation parameters are currently appended at the end of default installation command. This can ...
Any chance to add SCCM Endpoint Protection actions and dashboard? This would be very helpful for daily reporting for systems scanned, threats found, cleaned, force deffs updates.
Add Repair Application option to Remote Software Center
In addition to the current Install and Uninstall buttons, it would be useful to have the ability to run a remote repair on a Software Center application (provided repair by user was allowed in the deployment settings) from within Remote Software C...
Matt Zwager
almost 4 years ago
in Efficiency
Future consideration
Hi, when setting the deployments processes, I noticed a very low detailed timeline of the dp. I think this could be put to better use. Lay out the Duration of the dps over the month on a mini calendar. It would really help us visual our deployment...