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Limit specific admins to specific sets of validity times

Would be nice to limit specific admins to only specific time frames of validity times. e.g., full admin group can have all validity times, but helpdesk or lower specified admins in the group can have only a subset of something like one time use, o...
Guest 3 months ago in Special Configuration needs 1

Allow Right Click Tools to delete multiple applications

This is not something that is inherently in MECM. It would be nice to delete multiple applications.
Jason Armitage 3 months ago in User Experience 1

System Information -> Operating Systems - Add OS Architecture

As ARM64 devices become more common, I'd like to have the Architecture displayed in the Operating Systems list. Right now it has OS Version and OS Name, but nothing to say X64 or ARM64
Gary Blok 8 months ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Enable LAPS Integration

Having the ability to run actions via LAPS vs the logged in user of the console would be a huge win for orgs that split admin privs on accounts and/or restrict admin rights on workstations.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Roles and Permissions 0

Report to show all local admins

Have a report that shows all local admins on every machine
Jason Telling over 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 1 Already exists

Install Missing Updates and Restart

The ability to automatically restart a device one all updates have been installed from the "Install Missing Updates" option is used. Currently you can install the updates, but then have to either schedule a restart a few hours from then, or remote...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Efficiency 1 Future consideration

Add Windows LAPS Support for LAPS Dashboard LAPS Client Install State Panel

The existing LAPS Dashboard reports on LAPS Client Install State. When using Windows LAPS (as opposed to what is now referred to as Legacy LAPS) it simply reports that there is no LAPS Client Installed. This is true, however it would be nice to re...
Brian Kaiser about 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Enterprise Insights / Application Manager : Show what apps AM has and what it can patch in your environment.

I'm surprised this offering isn't available, or i'm unsure how to find it. For ease of patching everything in my environment I would love a report to show What application manager has available that can be patched in my environment What applicatio...
Guest 3 months ago in Efficiency 0


We would like to add Solibri
Guest about 1 year ago in Application Catalogue request 1 Not a fit for the product

Ability to download only patches and not new installs

Having MSIs takes up a lot of room but can be useful. I would like the ability to turn off the download of new msi installs and only do the patches per application. This will save a lot of tickets.
Guest 10 months ago in Large environment needs 2 Future consideration