In Finnish: Onko mahdollista saada samalle sivulle näkyviin useampi eri raportti, eli esimerkiksi samalle sivulle piirakka näkyviin vaikkapa bitlocker tilanteesta sekä tilanne koneista jotka ovat sekä sccm että ad, vain ad tai vain sccm.
In English (using Google Translate): Is it possible to display several different reports on the same page, i.e., for example, to display a pie on the same page, for example, of the bitlocker situation and the situation of machines that are both sccm and ad, only ad or only sccm.
Product | Recast Management Server |
Thanks for the clarity.
This is just a suggestion for a future feature
Just for Clarity are you asking for this to be done or are you asking if this can be done now?