Would be nice to have the ability to set some executables to auto-elevate as domain user/logged in user, for some development tools or other software which may still require administrator privileges
Heikki Harsunen
over 1 year ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
Support for passwordless login in Privilege Manager
As more people are using passwordless and/or long passwords, when using the run as domain users, writing the password is a bit legacy. Could we use Windows Hello for Business credentials to confirm the elevation without using a password?
Change Default View of Remote Software Center in Right-Click Tools
What you currently display is a view of every deployment that was ever sent to an endponit. I think it would be more helpful to have the default view be what is actively targeted to an endpoint (both "available" and "required advertisements), so i...
When using DarkMode in MECM the Recast Software node on the Assets and Compliance tab is completely unreadable. Would be nice if it could detect the theme and make the text have better readability.
over 1 year ago
in User Experience
Future consideration