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User Experience

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157 VOTE

Ability to clear Recast Agents that have not communicated with RMS after a period of time.

We have a situation where the agent drop-down in RMS shows double the amount of recast agents than the devices we have Config Mgr. This is likely due to computer refresh. The agents are still listed even after a certain of idle time, not reporting...
jeff necker over 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Test connectivity button in RMS for Recast's required external URLs

There are a few internet endpoints (AM Catalog, Warranty) that RMS needs to be able to communicate with. Make a test connectivity button somewhere in RMS to see if the server can actually hit these addresses. This will cut down on troubleshooting ...
Scott Erickson 12 days ago in User Experience 0

Dark Mode Support

When using DarkMode in MECM the Recast Software node on the Assets and Compliance tab is completely unreadable. Would be nice if it could detect the theme and make the text have better readability.
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Bulk delete and bulk approve actions in RMS Agents menu

Removing or approving one by one is hopeless when an issue occurs at scale. When I raised this with Recast Support we were provided a SQL function to resolve it, which is ok as a stopgap measure. Would prefer to be able to resolve it in the RMS we...
Gregory Burton 3 months ago in User Experience 0

Auto-elevate certain applications

Would be nice to have the ability to set some executables to auto-elevate as domain user/logged in user, for some development tools or other software which may still require administrator privileges
Heikki Harsunen over 1 year ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Ability to Right Click and Rename a Machine

At times I need to rename a computer, I'd like to do it from the console. Trigger the rename (PC001 -> Client001 for example) then have it trigger a DDR so the console updates quickly. Right now I have to remote to the computer, and either do i...
Gary Blok almost 5 years ago in User Experience 3 Future consideration

OS Description Displayed On System Information Operating System Screen

We utilize the operating system description to show both who the computer is assigned to and where it is located. If this were able to be displayed on the RCT System Information screen this would be very useful.
Shawn McGinnis about 1 month ago in User Experience 0

Schedule my own deployment time (not when the new version is released)

As a sys admin, I want to run my deployment process using schedule (not when the new version is released)
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Automation / Security  / User Experience 2

Add multiple collections during DP creation

Allow us to select multiple collections when creating the deployment processes. Id like to add multiple at one time so I dont have to click add every time.
Jason Armitage 5 months ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Email Notifications when Updates are Available/Published

It would be useful if AM had the ability to send out email notifications for any applications that "deployments" have been created for. This would be when new updates are published or available from the catalog. I am only talking about those that ...
John Yoakum 11 months ago in User Experience 3 Planned