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Dashboards and Reporting

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ReLAPS: Password state expired

Add slice in "LAPS Password in AD" pie chart to illustrate passwords that are in an expired state.
Guest about 5 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Allow to change currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports

I would like to be able to change dollar ($) currency symbol in Endpoint Insights reports to currency I'm using (like euro)
Juha Haapsaari over 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 2

Add option on the Computers Without an application report to show with application.

I would sometimes like to see what computers have a particular application. If the Without application report could be modified to run it either with or without or make a new report to do this. It would be helpful to me.
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboards and Reporting 3 Already exists

Ability to export the application catalogue information

No description provided
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting / Special Configuration needs 0

Permanent admin access report

Report to show on what devices user has permanent admin access. Report to show all users that have permanent admin access on devices.
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Status page for AM in RMS

Status page for AM in RMS needed . Should be able to see all MECM environments, devices and deployment processes and errors etc...and Metric report. Amount of applications and ability to drill down reports. MECM version number should be shown as w...
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0

Reporting needed for success or failure of installations.

Reporting needed for success or failure of installations
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0

a Monthly summary of the deployments

It would be nice to have a possibility to send a list of the current active deployments made by Application Manager through the notification emails. Currently this is only done by application, but a summary of the active deployments would help us ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 1

Add a counter for pending windows updates

Lot of servers in our environment do have a maintenance Window, otherones not. When we only used the WSUS, we were able to see the pending updates, but with SCCM, we do not have this option anymore. The script that should pick up the count of pend...
Guest over 4 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Dashboard Configurations

It would be helpful to have the ability to configure dashboards such that you can set default OU's/Devices collections to exclude/include. This way only the devices we want to include in a dashboard will be presented and have more valid results.
Guest over 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration