It would stop the need to manually update RCT and RMS or any of the new releases. New release would auto update or have an option to delay or set an auto update.
Change Default View of Remote Software Center in Right-Click Tools
What you currently display is a view of every deployment that was ever sent to an endponit. I think it would be more helpful to have the default view be what is actively targeted to an endpoint (both "available" and "required advertisements), so i...
Add option on the Computers Without an application report to show with application.
I would sometimes like to see what computers have a particular application. If the Without application report could be modified to run it either with or without or make a new report to do this. It would be helpful to me.
Option to add Include or Exclude Collections to Device Collections
It would be nice to be able to select multiple device/user collections and be able to add include or exclude collections to several collections at once if that’s possible.
Add "Copy to ... " right click for all object types.. this will Migrate the object over to a secondary sccm server
Add "Server registration tab" where you can setup fqdn of a given primary server as "Production", "Dev", etc.. any descriptive name. Use these names in the Right click option to send objects between servers.
Also, on the same tab.. setup an opti...
Michael Haferkamp
over 5 years ago
in Efficiency
Future consideration