Remote Software Center - Compliance - Show Full Report
I'd like a button to launch the report, either embed the report into the RSC, or launch browser with the report. I really need to know why a Baseline is Compliant or Not Compliant. PowerShell Code to pull Baseline & Get Results into XML$DCM = ...
I'd like the Provisioning Mode Status to be listed in the Client Information Tool. I'd also like the option to change the status to Enabled or Disabled.I'd also want it to report the Timeout Value.1) What is the Time out Set to2) If ProvMode is en...
Gary Blok
over 4 years ago
in Efficiency
Future consideration
it might be a complex request. I'm looking for an easy way to provide VS for new developers without granting admin rights. License part is easy, it is activate by user after installation. The download VisualStudioSetup.exe is only a bootstrapper f...
We are trying to use Kiosk Manager with automatic login, but the kiosk machine keeps locking after a certain amount of idle time. We tried changing the power settings and GPOs but we have been unsuccessful. Is it possible to add Mouse Jiggler or C...
We are looking for a way to restart Google Chrome after ten minutes of idle. We are able to do this if we use Microsoft Edge and this command line option: --kiosk-idle-timeout-minutes=value, but if we can do this for any application using Kiosk Ma...