We utilize kiosk manager heavily and have between 300 - 400 profiles currently. They are a nightmare to find the one you are looking for. Can we either have a search function or a sort function? Thanks!
Travis Patenaude
over 1 year ago
in User Experience
Recently shipped
You are already providing various releases of Azul Zulu OpenJDKTo migrate Java Web Start IcedTea-Web is needed. https://www.azul.com/products/components/icedtea-web/ Please provide x84/x64
Remote Software Center\Software Updates\KB* - Status & Evaluation State
The Status seems to always say "Installed". What would be better is for both Status and Evaluation State to query the actual verbiage from the client for those fields. objWMIServiceSMSClientSDK = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=im...
Randy Naugle
over 4 years ago
Recently shipped