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Large environment needs

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Create a right click tool to view remote C: drive without using file explorer

It would be incredibly useful for remote support to have a right click tool that would allow you to view / interact with the remote file system without needing direct access. The current connect to c$ requires permissions / firewall rules / etc to...
Scott Erickson about 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

I need to the ability to have more than 7 days of duration for deployment deferrals and Patch Tuesday plus days.

I would like the option to deploy applications to production based upon the Patch Tuesday date. I would also like the option to defer deployment more that 7 days if needed. Why not give us 30 days? Or Patch Tuesday plus X days. Our organization do...
Guest 10 months ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Ability to download only patches and not new installs

Having MSIs takes up a lot of room but can be useful. I would like the ability to turn off the download of new msi installs and only do the patches per application. This will save a lot of tickets.
Guest 10 months ago in Large environment needs 2 Future consideration

Add file hash information to portal website for downloads

Enterprise organizations commonly need to independently verify that the hash of the file download from a vendor matches a known good hash. This is to know for sure that nothing has been tampered with in transit. It would be great to add a column o...
Scott Erickson over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Query AD Users and computers for user profiles that no longer exist

Something that would be useful would be a way to identify user profiles on a machine that no longer exists in AD, so they can be deleted from the machines. If a user has been terminated, and has logged into multiple machines we have no easy method...
David Taylor over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Device specific PM rules

Device specific Privilege Manager rules without having to create a target group for each rule. This would make it easier to give admin permissions to specific user(s) for a specific device.
Aapo Kettunen 9 months ago in Large environment needs / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Disable Output on Add Computers to Collections

When adding or removing computers from collections where we are inputting over a thousand computers, the RCT action results window locks up when displaying the results. It would be handy to have a checkbox to disable the output results and maybe i...
Justin Dybedahl over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Regenerate GUID - duplicate machines are seen in SCCM Console

Regenerate GUID - duplicate machines are seen in SCCM Console 300+ machines have this issue. Is this going to affect patching and apps deployment ?.
Guest over 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Uninstall specific applications from an entire collection

Imagine this: Software has been manually installed or deployed to multiple machines, but you may not know how many machines have application x installed. You now need to uninstall this title, but you don't want to connect to each Remote Software C...
David Taylor about 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Remove from all content location

I would like a right click option on deployed items to remove from all distribution points at once. In an environment with 12+ DPs it would save me a lot of time when removing items if I could simply remove an item from all with one clickThank you!
Guest over 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration