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User Experience

Showing 22

Add Descriptions for the software

Hi, I have had a few ask what some of the software we have deployed do. I think itd be a great idea to add descriptions for the software. Please have them auto pull in with the application
Jason Armitage 9 days ago in User Experience 1

Replace application install parameters

Allow customers to replace all installation parameters in Application Manager, except file name, silent parameters and /i for msi packages. Custom installation parameters are currently appended at the end of default installation command. This can ...
Aapo Kettunen 6 months ago in User Experience 0 Planned

Schedule my own deployment time (not when the new version is released)

As a sys admin, I want to run my deployment process using schedule (not when the new version is released)
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Automation / Security  / User Experience 2

Add multiple collections during DP creation

Allow us to select multiple collections when creating the deployment processes. Id like to add multiple at one time so I dont have to click add every time.
Jason Armitage 6 months ago in User Experience 1 Future consideration

Email Notifications when Updates are Available/Published

It would be useful if AM had the ability to send out email notifications for any applications that "deployments" have been created for. This would be when new updates are published or available from the catalog. I am only talking about those that ...
John Yoakum about 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Application deployment requirements

As a system administrator, I want to be able to limit the systems on which to deploy applications, such as 32-bit or 64-bit systems, or different operating systems, such as Windows 10, 11, servers, or workstations. Also ability to require older ve...
Prudvee Raj about 2 years ago in Automation / User Experience 3 Future consideration

Allow AM to create optional Deployments

AM is great for creating an applicant and deployment. However for the deployment phase you are force to make a mandatory deployment. This of course will force the app to install on a device. This is not always wanted. Instead there are times that ...
Garth Jones 3 months ago in User Experience 1 Already exists

Installation in the user context

On SCCM, it is possible to install an application in the system context or in the user context, as shown on the screenshot in the attachment.
Guest 4 months ago in User Experience 5

Uninstallation of application for MECM

Allow creating uninstallation deployments for MECM
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Automation / Efficiency / User Experience 0 Planned

Calendar layout for Deployment Processes

Hi, when setting the deployments processes, I noticed a very low detailed timeline of the dp. I think this could be put to better use. Lay out the Duration of the dps over the month on a mini calendar. It would really help us visual our deployment...
Jason Armitage 6 months ago in User Experience 2