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Support MECM Implicit Uninstallation feature

Allow to configure implicit uninstallation settings (MS docs) for any deployment targeting to MECM collection
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Automation / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Change, or add ability to change, WSUS UpdateType and UpdateClasification

Updates injected into WSUS are assigned the "SoftwareApplciation" UpdateType and "Applications" Update classification, which both hides them from being displayed in the WSUS console and disallows them from being scheduled via ConfigMan. Assigning ...
Scot Power over 1 year ago in Automation 6 Not a fit for the product

AM/CSM - Custom apps dependencies

Allow customers to configure dependency chain in custom applications, and add other customs apps as dependencies
Guest almost 2 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Use RMS as an engine to make dynamic groups in EntraID

Dynamic Groups in EntraID (AzureAD) are severely limited in what can be targeted. ConfigMgr has a great feature that can create "dynamic" EntraID groups based off of ConfigMgr data. For customers who are Intune only, it would be great if there was...
Scott Erickson over 1 year ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

API for Builder Automation

Builder is awesome. What would make it even better is if I could initiate automation from other systems using an API. Think Azure Automation calling an RMS API to add devices to collections, or install missing software updates, or whatever else we...
Scott Erickson over 2 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Create Application Definitions but Require manual download of install files

In PatchMyPC, they have the ability to manage the application settings, but not supply the installer files. If Application Manager had the same ability then we could expand the catalog without having to be manage the installer. The way that it wor...
John Yoakum 11 months ago in Automation 1 Future consideration

Add an Application Wrapper for Installs or Updates

In order to better update products without having to deploy to all users or devices and have it automatically install the product, using a script wrapper could offer the ability to try and detect if the application is already installed and not upd...
John Yoakum 11 months ago in Automation 1 Future consideration

Deployment approval email recipients

Allow also to define email recipients for available type of deployment processes steps that require approval
Juha Haapsaari about 1 year ago in Automation / Roles and Permissions / Security 0 Future consideration

Move superseded and expired updates from All Software Updates folder

"All Software Updates" folder gets chock full and it's a multistep task to move groups of updates into other folders so I can get a "clean" view of what's new. Worse are all the AV updates that get superseded and expired throughout each day. Perha...
Russell Johnson over 4 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Automate client removal from Active Directory

With SCCM and Intune having the ability to self maintain clients that haven't reported in a desired number of days, the Right Click tools Active Directory Cleanup Tool is very helpful in also tidying up AD, however it would be great if there could...
Hayden Webb over 2 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration