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Control update notifications on Recast Management Server

Currently you can only enable or disable update notifications to clients if they're associated to Recast server. Would it be possible to enable some sort of filtering option to include/exclude specific systems based off a naming pattern or specifi...
Guest over 4 years ago in Cloud App Usage 0 Future consideration

Notification Timeout setting

It looks like the send notification popup goes away after a certain time. I'd like to suggest a way to set the timeout interval.
Guest over 4 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Ability to move cache to another drive

Ability to move CM Cache to another drive. This would be good for Servers with a dedicated data drive. This can be done with WMI through the 'CacheConfig' class in the 'root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent' namespace. It would be nice to have a GUI interface to...
Guest over 4 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Search, filter and sort option in Software Updates Deployment Status

We have over 200 device collections and a similar amount of software update groups (probably too many, but that's another discussion). Having to manually scroll through it until I find the one that I need is painfully time consuming. What I'm miss...
Steven Overloop over 4 years ago in Efficiency 2 Future consideration

Patch installation progress tool

It has been requested by several server owners at our company to have some kind of progress (as near to real time as possible) of software update installation. The request is so that they know when patches have installed and the server has restart...
Guest over 4 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Separate Shutdown a collection and reboot a collection

One of the selling points of the enterprise version was being able to lock down who can do what. We would like to remove shutdown a collection from everyone but there are some people that we would like to have able to reboot a collection. In testi...
Rick Bywalski over 4 years ago in Roles and Permissions 0 Future consideration

Add Remove SCOM Maintenance Mode

My team uses SCCM to manage and patch our servers it would be nice to be able to right click and add or remove a collection from maintenance mode in SCOM. This would help bridge the gap between the two products that has existed for many years and ...
Rick Bywalski over 4 years ago in Efficiency 1 Future consideration

Add a counter for pending windows updates

Lot of servers in our environment do have a maintenance Window, otherones not. When we only used the WSUS, we were able to see the pending updates, but with SCCM, we do not have this option anymore. The script that should pick up the count of pend...
Guest over 4 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Ability to Right Click Several Apps and update the content at the same time.

If I have several apps that use the same content, I have to go to each and update their content at the same time.
Gary Blok almost 5 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Add Office 365 Information to System Information

Would be nice if Office 365 information could be added to System Information.Build Number / Channel / Arch of Office Install / Teams Addon... etc Would also like the option to Change the Channel The data could be pulled from the Registry - Office ...
Gary Blok almost 5 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration