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Ability to clear Recast Agents that have not communicated with RMS after a period of time.

We have a situation where the agent drop-down in RMS shows double the amount of recast agents than the devices we have Config Mgr. This is likely due to computer refresh. The agents are still listed even after a certain of idle time, not reporting...
jeff necker over 1 year ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Logs for what was launched vs what was asked for

It would be extremely beneficial to show in privilege manager for any activation codes used, what was actually launched... if we give out the activation code, we are blind to what they are actually doing behind the scenes.
Guest about 2 months ago in Security 1 Planned

Support Intune Virtual Groups "All Devices" and "All Users" in Application Manager

Microsoft performance guidance recommends using the built in Intune groups "All devices" and "All users" and not creating separate dynamic groups to achieve the same thing. The benefit of this would increase performance of application assignments ...
Scott Erickson about 1 month ago in Efficiency 1 Planned

Specify number of previous application versions to keep

I would like to define how many previous application version I want to keep as retired before removing the application/installation media from ConfigMgr.
Juha Haapsaari 7 months ago in Automation 0 Planned

Email Notifications when Updates are Available/Published

It would be useful if AM had the ability to send out email notifications for any applications that "deployments" have been created for. This would be when new updates are published or available from the catalog. I am only talking about those that ...
John Yoakum 10 months ago in User Experience 3 Planned

Exporting quick reports from System Info and Client Info Tools

It would be a great feature to be able to export the reports from the System Information and Client Information Tools. For example selecting multiple devices and viewing System Information and say you need to view all OS versions for those selecte...
Guest over 4 years ago in  0 Planned

Pre and post scripts running should be supported

Application manager: Pre and post scripts running should be supported
Prudvee Raj almost 2 years ago in Automation / Large environment needs / Special Configuration needs 2 Planned

PMA Reporting - Add what file is being elevated

Our Security team requires that the reporting show what file and path to the file is being elevated, along with the reason for elevating it.
Guest about 2 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 1 Planned

Delete Inactive Profile after X days

It would be great to have a task that we can run on a collection that will delete a profile if the person has not logged in in X days. Similar to DelProf that you can run as a scheduled task.
Guest almost 5 years ago in  2 Planned

Auto update right click tools automatically

This would be useful so my team and I do not need to download the msi to update the current version. If the application can have a auto update feature so it does it by itself.
Guest over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 Planned