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Large environment needs

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Increase default number of agents visible at once in RMS

Increase the default number of Recast Agents visible in the RMS console from the default of 10 agents to a default of 100 or more, or add a configuration setting in the settings blade of the RMS console to configure the default number of agents vi...
David Taylor 3 months ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Device specific PM rules

Device specific Privilege Manager rules without having to create a target group for each rule. This would make it easier to give admin permissions to specific user(s) for a specific device.
Aapo Kettunen 8 months ago in Large environment needs / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Ability to download only patches and not new installs

Having MSIs takes up a lot of room but can be useful. I would like the ability to turn off the download of new msi installs and only do the patches per application. This will save a lot of tickets.
Guest 10 months ago in Large environment needs 2 Future consideration

I need to the ability to have more than 7 days of duration for deployment deferrals and Patch Tuesday plus days.

I would like the option to deploy applications to production based upon the Patch Tuesday date. I would also like the option to defer deployment more that 7 days if needed. Why not give us 30 days? Or Patch Tuesday plus X days. Our organization do...
Guest 10 months ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Create a right click tool to view remote C: drive without using file explorer

It would be incredibly useful for remote support to have a right click tool that would allow you to view / interact with the remote file system without needing direct access. The current connect to c$ requires permissions / firewall rules / etc to...
Scott Erickson about 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Add file hash information to portal website for downloads

Enterprise organizations commonly need to independently verify that the hash of the file download from a vendor matches a known good hash. This is to know for sure that nothing has been tampered with in transit. It would be great to add a column o...
Scott Erickson over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Disable Output on Add Computers to Collections

When adding or removing computers from collections where we are inputting over a thousand computers, the RCT action results window locks up when displaying the results. It would be handy to have a checkbox to disable the output results and maybe i...
Justin Dybedahl over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Query AD Users and computers for user profiles that no longer exist

Something that would be useful would be a way to identify user profiles on a machine that no longer exists in AD, so they can be deleted from the machines. If a user has been terminated, and has logged into multiple machines we have no easy method...
David Taylor over 1 year ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Distribution Point Client Connection and Data accessed by Endpoints

This will help to identify Distribution points which are least serving the content to Endpoints to offload to another nearest DP, this can help to reduce the DP count.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration

Uninstall specific applications from an entire collection

Imagine this: Software has been manually installed or deployed to multiple machines, but you may not know how many machines have application x installed. You now need to uninstall this title, but you don't want to connect to each Remote Software C...
David Taylor about 3 years ago in Large environment needs 0 Future consideration