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Filtering Third party drivers by computer models

No description provided
Guest about 3 years ago in Special Configuration needs 0 Future consideration

Service Monitoring for Endpoint Insights

Would be useful to be able to get the status of the Endpoint Insights (WIR) API from a status page, or from the Enhansoft Tray service. If clients are unable to connect to the WIR service, there is currently no centralized way to know this.
Dan Clark over 3 years ago in  0

Remove interactive logon message during AutoLogon

Having a computer bypass an interactive logon message when using Kiosk mode to log into a computer automatically would be very beneficial to startup times.
Guest over 3 years ago in Special Configuration needs 0 Will not implement in the near future

RCT - Get Installed Windows Capabilities

I'd like to right click on a machine and see the Capabilities installed, like if it has RSAT, additional languages, etc. Info can be grabbed via PowerShell or Registry. This is NOT available in CM Database, or WMI Registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MAC...
Gary Blok over 3 years ago in Cloud App Usage 2 Future consideration

RCT runner to Delete Orphaned Cache on a collection/schedule

currently RCT >Client Information>Cache Details can show "Orphaned Cache", I would like to be able to automate with RCT Builder to create sequence to identify and delete Orphaned Cache on a collection and/or schedule
Guest over 3 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Remote Software Center/Software Update Deployment -> wsus

it would be very nice if it would also work for updates that come from wsus and not just sccm
Claudio Mendes over 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Stop Enhansoft Notification from popping up repeatedly on server.

Currently the Enhansoft notification tool pops up over and over on my server to alert me that there are updated versions of the software. This should not happen. A better option would be a toast notification.
Guest over 3 years ago in  2 Will not implement in the near future

Allow for Management Point report set to select and display multi MPs

This is useful as it allows you to see if one MP is busier than another or to see if a MP is not used at all
Guest over 3 years ago in Dashboards and Reporting 0 Future consideration

Workstation update source

As we are in the Era of hybrid infra, need to classify the update source, how many machines are getting patched from WUMU CDN and their details, machines connected to CMG and its details, Machines connected to CDP and its details.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

What was delivered to a specific endpoint during a period of time

Integrated report that includes software applications and software updates delivered to a specific endpoint during a period of time. Makes troubleshooting of issues for a specific endpoint easier by tracking the latest changes, no matter what they...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration