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Support Intune Virtual Groups "All Devices" and "All Users" in Application Manager

Microsoft performance guidance recommends using the built in Intune groups "All devices" and "All users" and not creating separate dynamic groups to achieve the same thing. The benefit of this would increase performance of application assignments ...
Scott Erickson 19 days ago in Efficiency 1 Planned

Add users to Local Groups using System Information

Currently System Information allows you to view / remove local group members but you cannot add to them. This would be especially handy in Entra joined scenarios where it is more difficult to add an Entra account to a local group membership due to...
Scott Erickson 14 days ago in Efficiency 0

Add Link capability to Notifications

It would be particularly helpful to be able to add a link to the Software Center package when sending a notification for users to update an application but it would be useful in sending a link to online documentation, forms, etc.
Guest 14 days ago in Efficiency 0

Grant the ability to reimport/redownload specific applications in a deployment process instead of having to do all of them

Hello, I have noticed an issue with some software not being able to distribute out. I wanted to reimport the application/redownload the software but I didnt want to mess with the other applications that had already distributed and mess up their ti...
Jason Armitage 15 days ago in Efficiency 2 Already exists

Weekly emails / teams notification when something has updated

Would be nice to have a report to show everything that has updated in your environment that is specifically pushed out from application manager so we are prepped incase something goes sideways. with as many applications as we are going to patch, i...
Guest 19 days ago in Efficiency 1 Future consideration

Add Device or User to Entra Group

Similar to how there is an option in RCT to add a device to a collection, it would be great if there was a tool to add a device/user to an Entra(Azure) group. This is a pain to do in Intune and requires jumping back and forth to different screens.
Scott Erickson 3 months ago in Efficiency 0

Reboot PCs if Users have idle time over x hours

In the restart command, you can restart PCs, prompt users, or restart if no one is logged in. In the System Info tool, you can see user sessions with idle time. So far, I can't figure out a way to reboot users if their idle time is over an hour fo...
Guest over 2 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Enterprise Insights / Application Manager : Show what apps AM has and what it can patch in your environment.

I'm surprised this offering isn't available, or i'm unsure how to find it. For ease of patching everything in my environment I would love a report to show What application manager has available that can be patched in my environment What applicatio...
Guest 28 days ago in Efficiency 0

Ability to Right click on deployment status and add to collection

Would love the ability to right click things within the deployment statuses and choose "add to collection". I can create collections and run a query based on exit codes for stuff, but this would help immensely with time savings as well as "unknown...
Guest 6 months ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Install Missing Updates and Restart

The ability to automatically restart a device one all updates have been installed from the "Install Missing Updates" option is used. Currently you can install the updates, but then have to either schedule a restart a few hours from then, or remote...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Efficiency 1 Future consideration