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Right Click Tools

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RCT - Get Installed Windows Capabilities

I'd like to right click on a machine and see the Capabilities installed, like if it has RSAT, additional languages, etc. Info can be grabbed via PowerShell or Registry. This is NOT available in CM Database, or WMI Registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MAC...
Gary Blok over 3 years ago in Cloud App Usage 2 Future consideration

RCT runner to Delete Orphaned Cache on a collection/schedule

currently RCT >Client Information>Cache Details can show "Orphaned Cache", I would like to be able to automate with RCT Builder to create sequence to identify and delete Orphaned Cache on a collection and/or schedule
Guest almost 4 years ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Remote Software Center/Software Update Deployment -> wsus

it would be very nice if it would also work for updates that come from wsus and not just sccm
Claudio Mendes almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Client Tools on Collection: Remove all direct members from collection

As the title says, remove all direct members of a collection
Guest over 4 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

RCT Runner: Quick List

Instead of having to find multiple systems in SCCM collections and then right-click them to run an action, provide a quick list option that allows you to paste a list of systems (the same way the Add systems to collection works) then run the actio...
Guest over 4 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Add systems to a NEW Collection

On the RCT option to add to collection, I have to have an existing collection already created. Would be nice to have the option to create a new collection here. Otherwise I have to open another console, create a new collection or empty an existing...
Guest over 4 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Bitlocker Compliance Tab - Add additional column(s) that show machine type? (Laptop, vm, etc)

We currently add some VMs and Desktops and Laptops into certain collections and only require Laptops to be encrypted. This would allow easier to filter.
Guest almost 5 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Add to Collection Option from Deployment Status

Why Useful? When troubleshooting deployments, it would be nice to be able to select all systems with a particular status (i.e. failed) and add them to a New or Existing Collection. I envision it as this... Monitoring Node, Deployments, View Statu...
Guest over 5 years ago in Efficiency 0 Future consideration

Wake on LAN option for both Unicast and Subnet Broadcast at the same time

We are frequently switching between Unicast and Subnet Directed Broadcast because of how network equipment is configured in different physical locations. The ability to select both options at the same time would be very helpful.
Guest over 5 years ago in Cloud App Usage 0 Future consideration

RCT ability to group information by different columns

Ability to change what information is grouped by. Right click on column header and hit group by. Example: going to system information, operating systems and grouping by pending reboot status or in user profiles group by computer name instead of us...
Courtney Baty 6 months ago in Large environment needs 0