Specify number of previous application versions to keep
I would like to define how many previous application version I want to keep as retired before removing the application/installation media from ConfigMgr.
Juha Haapsaari
10 months ago
in Automation
I need to the ability to have more than 7 days of duration for deployment deferrals and Patch Tuesday plus days.
I would like the option to deploy applications to production based upon the Patch Tuesday date. I would also like the option to defer deployment more that 7 days if needed. Why not give us 30 days? Or Patch Tuesday plus X days. Our organization do...
Allow us to select multiple collections when creating the deployment processes. Id like to add multiple at one time so I dont have to click add every time.
Jason Armitage
6 months ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
It would be nice if admins could prevent dependencies from being added. Give us the ability to manage whether or not the dependency is necessary in the environment.
Support Intune Virtual Groups "All Devices" and "All Users" in Application Manager
Microsoft performance guidance recommends using the built in Intune groups "All devices" and "All users" and not creating separate dynamic groups to achieve the same thing. The benefit of this would increase performance of application assignments ...
Scott Erickson
4 months ago
in Efficiency
Email Notifications when Updates are Available/Published
It would be useful if AM had the ability to send out email notifications for any applications that "deployments" have been created for. This would be when new updates are published or available from the catalog. I am only talking about those that ...
Please add software called "8x8 Work for Desktop" to the Application Catalog
Please can the application called "8x8 Work for Desktop" be added to the AppManager Catalog so it can be auto-upgraded. URL for the software: https://support-portal.8x8.com/viewArticle.html?d=8bff4970-6fbf-4daf-842d-8ae9b533153d&q=download%208...
Please can the free Krita painting software be added to Recast's Application Catalog so that it can be auto-upgraded. Download link below: https://krita.org/en/