Would be nice to have the ability to set some executables to auto-elevate as domain user/logged in user, for some development tools or other software which may still require administrator privileges
Heikki Harsunen
almost 2 years ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
Device specific Privilege Manager rules without having to create a target group for each rule. This would make it easier to give admin permissions to specific user(s) for a specific device.
Support for passwordless login in Privilege Manager
As more people are using passwordless and/or long passwords, when using the run as domain users, writing the password is a bit legacy. Could we use Windows Hello for Business credentials to confirm the elevation without using a password?
It would be a lot easier to have shorter activation codes when using PM. Could it be configurable how long the actiavation code is? Optimal would be 8 digits.
almost 2 years ago
in User Experience
Future consideration